Bride of Frankenstein

Bride of Frankenstein

Sat 22 Feb 8:15 PM

Arc Cinema
Allocated Seating
72 Mins
1935 | DCP | USA | D: James Whale

Often considered a superior film to its predecessor, Bride takes up the story where Frankenstein left off, with a conceit involving Mary Shelley herself.

With dark humour and moments of genuine tragedy, the story of the Gothic Bride – with her big, lightning-bolt hair – explores even bigger themes: identity, social isolation and human hubris.

Bride is often cited as Whale's masterpiece, and one of the reasons surely is his intentional lacing of humor throughout that never completely undercuts the horror or pathos’ – San Francisco Chronicle

 Available as a double feature with Frankenstein (James Whale, 1931). Learn more

Arc Cinema

1 McCoy Circuit Acton, Australian Capital Territory, 2601