Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

Int. Women's Day
Sat 8 Mar 7:00 PM

Arc Cinema
Allocated Seating
198 Mins
Sat 8 Mar

1975 | DCP | BEL, FRA | D: Chantal Akerman 
French, English Subtitles 

Voted Greatest Film of All Time by 1,600 film critics and academics in Sight and Sound magazine’s decennial poll in 2022. A widowed mother goes about her daily household tasks in a film that relentlessly scrutinises mundane details until they release powerful meaning.  

With a fierce, cold, sustained blaze, the movie speaks to contemporary issues and questions: housework as work, sex work as work, the burden of motherhood and caregiving, the theatre of bourgeois respectability, the terrible loneliness of domestic life and female marginalisation, the unnoticed ubiquity of power and violence. – The Guardian 

Collections CINEMATEK - © Fondation Chantal Akerman
Sat 8 Mar

Arc Cinema

1 McCoy Circuit Acton, Australian Capital Territory, 2601