Live Stream: + Screen Stories Symposium

Live Stream: + Screen Stories Symposium

Thu 7 Nov 9:00 AM

Online Live Event
General Admission
A multifaceted one-day conference for everyone curious about expansive LGBTIQA+ screen storytelling. Panels and masterclasses will delve into topics including the skill of collaborating, the art of nuanced characters, the ethics of editing, how to handle queer intimacy, and opportunities online, with speakers including Ben Law (THE FAMILY LAW, WELLMANIA), Julie Kalceff (DANIELLE LAIDLEY: TWO TRIBES, FIRST DAY), Monica Zanetti (ELLIE AND ABBIE, WHILE THE MEN ARE AWAY), Alistair Baldwin (LATECOMERS, EROTIC STORIES) and Bobby Romia (Screen Australia) amongst others.

+Screen Stories is presented by Screen Canberra, UTS, Screen NSW and the Australian Directors' Guild and is supported by the ACT Office of LGBTIQA+ Affairs. 

Online Live Event

1 McCoy Circuit Acton, Australian Capital Territory, 2601