The Plains

The Plains

Thu 15 May 7:00 PM

Arc Cinema
Allocated Seating
180 Mins
Thu 15 May

THU 15 MAY | 7PM | Arc Cinema | $16/$12 
2022 | CTC | 180 mins | DCP | AUS | D: David Easteal 

A middle-aged lawyer (Andrew Rakowski) uses his commute from work to talk to his wife and his mother. Sometimes he gives his colleague (David Easteal) a lift home. 

From this simple premise director David Easteal crafts his three-hour debut feature, set almost entirely in a car on the commute through Melbourne’s western suburbs. It offers a penetrating insight into an ordinary life where small details convey enormous meaning. 

This extraordinarily mundane film – a combination of words I’m fairly certain I’ve never used before – is a tremendous achievement and, in a subtle way, an amazing work of art.’ – The Guardian 
Thu 15 May

Arc Cinema

1 McCoy Circuit Acton, Australian Capital Territory, 2601